If the Bible reveals God’s character and will for our lives as believers, then we must ask the inescapable questions: Can the Bible be trusted? How can we trust translations? How were the books of the Bible selected? Why is a centuries old book so important for believers today?

Gen Z’s Questions about Christianity with Michael Kruger
In this 19 mins episode, Michael Kruger addresses questions from the Gen Z audience on biblical authority and inerrancy. (1) Reasons why the Bible is trustworthy. (2) The meaning of the Bible’s inerrancy. (3) The Bible does not contradict itself. (4) Do parts of Old Testament law still apply today? (5) The canon of Scripture and how certain books were chosen. (6) Relevancy and reliability of these ancient writings. (7) Encouragement for those who still have questions
Why You Can Trust Your Bible
Justin Holcomb
Critics who doubt the reliability and trustworthiness of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life have issued a make-or-break challenge to the church. They ask, “How can we be sure the Bible can be trusted as accurate?” As we will see, however, these challenges do not stand up to scrutiny.
8 Things Your Bible Says About Itself
Matt Smethurst
There are only two options when it comes to knowledge of a divine Creator: revelation or speculation. Either he speaks, or we guess. And he has spoken. This article outlines 8 claims the Bible makes about itself.
The ESV Study Bible
The ESV Study Bible provides two excellent articles relevant to the reliability of the Bible.
Does a “Most-Accurate” Bible Translation Exist?
Cheree Hayes
Understanding Different Translations and Learning to Read Multiple Versions.
How to Read the Bible With Your Heart, And Not Lose Your Head
Paul J. Pastor
Becoming Better Bible Readers Means Learning to Love the Life of our Mind.
What If I Don’t Want to Read the Bible?
Paul J. Pastor
How to Engage Scripture With Both Discipline and Desire.

Greg Gilbert
The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith. But this leads to an inescapable question: why should we trust the Bible? Written to help non-Christians, longtime Christians, and everyone in between better understand why God’s Word is reliable, this short book explores the historical and theological arguments to trust the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

The Historical Reliability of the New Testament: Countering the Challenges to Evangelical Christian Beliefs Summary
Craig L. Blomberg
Questions about the reliability of the New Testament are commonly raised today both by scholars and popular media. Drawing on decades of research, Craig Blomberg addresses all of the major objections to the historicity of the New Testament in one comprehensive volume. Topics addressed include the formation of the Gospels, the transmission of the text, the formation of the canon, alleged contradictions, the relationship between Jesus and Paul, supposed Pauline forgeries, other gospels, miracles, and many more. Historical corroborations of details from all parts of the New Testament are also presented throughout. This book marshals the latest scholarship in responding to New Testament objections while remaining accessible to non-specialists.

Timothy Paul Jones
Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered with? Has it been edited many times over the centuries and now is filled with errors? How can we know what the Bible really said when the originals no longer exist? Author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones says the Bible is reliable can be trusted. This book explains the variations and why they don’t affect the trustworthiness of the Scriptures to help Christians become better informed and ready to “defend the faith.”

40 Questions About the Text and Canon of the New Testament
Quarles and Kellum
The ancient writings that comprise the New Testament are critical for understanding the life, teachings, and impact of Jesus of Nazareth, all of which are central to Christianity. But how were these texts circulated, collected, and given their canonical status? Is the New Testament a trustworthy source for learning about Jesus and the early church? New Testament scholars Charles L. Quarles and L. Scott Kellum address the most pressing questions regarding the study of New Testament texts, their transmission, and their collection into the canon.

The Text of the New Testament: From Manuscript to Modern Edition
J. Harold Greenlee
Geared towards the layperson, The Text of the New Testament is a brief introduction to the process by which the New Testament came to be. It describes the basics of ancient writing tools, manuscripts, the work of scribes, and how to think about differences in what the various manuscripts say. This is a revised and expanded edition with a completely new chapter on how contemporary English translations fit in with our understanding of the New Testament text.

Understanding Scripture: An Overview of the Bible’s Origin, Reliability, and Meaning
Grudem, Collins, and Schreiner
The Bible is the most important book in the world. But questions puzzle believers and unbelievers alike: Why is the Bible trustworthy? Does archaeology confirm what the Bible says? How do I interpret the Bible? Editors and scholars Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, and Thomas Schreiner recognize the challenge we all face and offer this volume to help us properly understand the Bible.

The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance
Bruce M. Metzger
This book provides information from Church history concerning the recognition of the canonical status of the several books of the New Testament. Canonization was a long and gradual process of sifting through scores of gospels, epistles, and other books that enjoyed local and temporary authority. Metzger discusses the external pressures that led to fixing the limits of the canon and Patristic evidence that bears on the development of the canon. It also considers differences in the sequence of the books in the New Testament.