Upcoming Mission Trips

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Interested In A Mission Trip?

How might God use you if you took a step of faith to engage with His mission somewhere in the world? Join United City Church and help make a kingdom impact in the lives of a person close to home or far away in a completely different culture or among people who still haven't heard the name of Jesus.

United City Church Planting Partnerships

Fort Worth, Texas

Redemption City - Pastor Matt Kendrick
Trinity River Baptist – Pastor Ben Lacey

Houston, Texas

Houston Church Planters Network - Director Chad Clarkson

Longmont, Colorado

Connection Church - Pastor Doug Hixson

Los Angeles, California

City Connect Church - Pastor Brian Wallace
Royal City Church - Pastor Andrew Carter

Las Vegas, Nevada

Walk Church - Pastor Heiden Ratner
Favor City Church - Pastor Joseph Gibbons
Your Church - Pastor Jack Diven

Baltimore, Maryland

Emmaus Church – Pastor Andrew Garner

Brooklyn, New York

Mission City Church - Pastor Garrett Raburn

Puerto Rico

Iglesia Bautista Raham Aibonito - Pastor Luis Rodriguez


Igreja Batista Maranhao – Maranhao, AM, Brazil - Pastor Abimael - Amazon Vida partnership
Igreja Batista Sertaneja – Itaporanga, PE, Brazil - Compassion International partnership - Pastor Sisinio

South Asia

South Asia – International Mission Board - Team Lead L and J
Send Los Angeles Church Planting Partners
Churches Planting Churches in Las Vegas
Send Las Vegas Church Planting Partners
IMB - South Asian Peoples Introduction

Josh Haisten's Mission Trip Experience