CLC will require that students or staff with COVID-19 remain home until re-entry criteria have been met.
Students and staff may return 10 calendar days after onset of symptoms or date of positive test AND 24 hours symptom-free without medication (ex. fever free without medication).
– if the individual is symptomatic, the 10 days count from the onset of symptoms.
– if the individual is asymptomatic, the 10 days count from the date the individual was tested.
CLC will ask people who are sick for any reason to remain home.
Like every school year, families should keep children home if they are sick for any reason, and staff should not come to work sick.
CLC will permit individuals who have close contact and remain symptom-free to be at school.
Families will determine what they believe is best for their specific situation. Required exclusion does not include symptom-free contacts.
CLC will welcome the usage of masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) by anyone who chooses to wear them.
Masks are optional. We respect parents’ choices for their children. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available.
Sanitizing Measures:
CLC will provide sanitizing supplies for every classroom. Classes will be encouraged to do complete hand washing throughout the day along with using hand sanitizer. Classrooms will be disinfected and cleaned at the beginning of each school day before students arrive. CLC staff will again clean classrooms at the end of the school day. A list of cleaning products to be used is available upon request. The CLC program area is designated for program use exclusively to ensure the space remains disinfected between school days.