The story goes that in May of 1937, Robert Johnson, a small-town blues musician struck a deal with the devil at an infamous crossroad in Cleveland, MS. According to legend, this deal made him one of the world’s most respected
Let's get real for a second. Sometimes in life there are weird, frustrating seasons where your God-given gifts and talents seem to be just collecting dust. Like they’re placed on a shelf with no expiration date in sight making it
What’s the most awkward first impression you ever made? When meeting other people the first topic should be one that is almost impartial or neutral. I’ll never forget when I moved to Texas and I got in a room full
One of my favorite places to be on a Sunday morning is in Growth Track. This is where we share the core values of United City and help people get involved in the life of our church. I love being
I’ll never forget my first worship experience as a follower of Jesus. You’re probably expecting a story about me in children’s ministry or VBS or something along those lines, but my first encounter with worship actually came a lot later
Driving in the car with kids is rarely a peaceful time. For me, it’s normally chaotic. I’m driving, but also correcting, refereeing, passing snacks, answering questions (sometimes asking Siri when I don't know the answer), listening to whoever is singing,
"Did you hear anything I just said?" Over the past ten years of working with teenagers, that is the question I find myself asking repeatedly. One of the biggest struggles with communicating with a teenager is the assumption that communication actually
As mentioned in part one of The Trinity Series, the doctrine of the Trinity can be fundamentally explained like this: There is one God. God is three distinct Persons. Each Person is fully and equally God. There are not three gods,
The doctrine of the Trinity is one of, if not the, most important doctrine of our Christian faith. Though the word “Trinity” doesn't appear in the Bible, the idea is clearly embedded within. The doctrine of the Trinity can be
As followers of Christ, we believe that the Bible speaks. Most of us know we should read and study more of it. We attend church and small groups where we hear again and again that the Bible should be at