If the Bible reveals God’s character and will for our lives as believers, then we must ask the inescapable questions.


God and Politics
Mark Dever

In a society where religion is increasingly private, and faith is OK as long as it’s not shared, many would seek to keep God out of their politics. But is that right, and is it biblical? This is an important topic to consider, not just for those working in government but for all of us as we seek to be responsible citizens in a fallen world. This book unpacks what the Bible has to say on this topic, and teaches how we can Give back to Caesar what is Caesar s without compromising on what we believe.

Before You Vote: Seven Questions Every Christian Should Ask
David Platt

What if there’s a way for Christians to participate in an election with authentic love for Jesus, counter-cultural unity in the church, and a clear conscience before God? This book urges every Christian to ask seven critical questions before casting a ballot. These questions are based on biblical truths, not political talking points.

Let the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age
Jonathan Leeman

This book challenges Christians from across the spectrum to hit the restart button by shifting our focus from redeeming the nation to living as a nation already redeemed; rejecting the false allure of building heaven on earth while living faithfully as citizens of a heavenly kingdom; and letting Jesus’ teaching shape our public engagement as we love our neighbors and seek justice. When we identify with Christ more than a political party or social grouping, we can return to the church’s unchanging political task: to become the salt and light Jesus calls us to be and offer the hope of his kingdom to the nations.

Political Gospel: Public Witness in a Politically Crazy World
Patrick Schreiner

Christians are constantly being accused of being too political or not political enough. Often, the accusations are fair. Christians tend to get stuck in one of two political ditches: we either privatize our faith or make it partisan. We think religion and politics should be separate and never intermingle, or we align so tightly with a political party that we conflate the gospel with a human agenda. This book argues Christianity not only has political implications but is itself a politic. The gospel at its very core is political––Jesus declared Himself to be King. But He does not allow you to put Him in your political box.

Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies
N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird

Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power? This book calls Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments.

Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative
Carl R. Trueman

Politics has become a joke. Sound-bites and knee-jerk reactions have replaced reasoned debate. Isn’t it time to think more deeply? Carl Trueman leads a readable, provocative, and lively romp through Christianity and politics.

Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony(1989/2014)
Stanley Hauerwas

This book discusses the nature of the church and its relationship to the surrounding culture. It argues that churches should focus on developing Christian life and community rather than attempting to reform secular culture. This book rejects the idea that America is a Christian nation; instead, Christians should see themselves as “resident aliens” in a foreign land. According to this book, the role of Christians is not to transform government but to live lives that model the love of Christ. Rather than try to convince others to change their ethics, Christians should model a new set of ethics grounded in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

America’s Religious History: Faith, Politics, and the Shaping of a Nation
Thomas S. Kidd

America’s Religious History is an up-to-date, narrative-based introduction to the unique role of faith in American history. Moving beyond present-day polemics to understand the challenges and nuances of our religious past, this book interweaves religious history and key events from the larger story of American history.


Dethrone Politics (TC)
Trevin Wax
What Can Pastors Do About Political Division?
Patrick Schreiner


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